Grandpa & Grandma
Thayer have both passed away but I still have lots of memories of both of them. They had three daughters which equals a lot of posterity. Each year we try to get together and have a
reunion. This year there were quite a few that couldn't make it but we still had fun seeing those that were there. We met at a park in
Lehi and ate lunch. Then we had a short little talent show.

My sister and her daughter, Dayna sang for us all.

Then we played a few games like Red Rover, and the big giant knot game we all get entangled in. We also played one where we blind folded the three daughters and then all of their kids had to stand still and call out "Mom!" while they tried to find each one of their children.

Then it was the next generation of mom's turn. It was hard!
Tons of little kids all yelling out "Mom!" at the same time! I'm pretty sure I lost and that my kids were purposely hiding from me!

Then we headed over to the
Lehi Legacy Center for some swim time. My kids really look forward to the times they get to spend with their cousins. On this day, cousins were
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