Our school district runs a fun summer camp each year for 4th-6th graders. It is held at an old ski lodge that the district bought back in 1970 with the money elementary students earned selling popcorn. It's a five day camp where the kids get to do all sorts of fun activities. They go on a night hike and learn how to overcome their fears. They end up hiking back to the lodge without their flashlights! They also swim, get to spend a day in Jackson Hole and see a play. This year they saw "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". They also get to do outdoor cooking, make a shelter that they are allowed to sleep in if they want. They even have a dance and a Staff chase on the last night. We let Tyler go to it the summer after his sixth grade year. I think it is a fun way to celebrate the end of elementary school for them. This year it was Jordan's turn.
They met at the Junior High School at 8:00am Monday morning and rode the school bus to the lodge.
Jordan said they sang songs the whole way there and it was a lot of fun. The camp is about an hour drive away from us. It's located between Swan Valley and Victor, ID.
We let him go as long as he had a friend to go with. This is his good friend Tristan. Although he was pleasantly surprised to find he knew lots of other kids there too. He also made some new ones that go to other schools in the district.
At the end of camp, the parents are invited to come up for a short program of skits and songs they have learned throughout the week, and to tour the camp. When we did this with Tyler, I remember he was hiding up in a tree, looking out for us when we arrived at camp. He was so excited to show us around and tell us about everything he had been doing that week. I was expecting the same from Jordan since this was his first time away from home for that long. But when we pulled into camp, Jordan was no where to be found. We had to search him out. He was playing a game with his friends and having so much fun he didn't even stop to greet us. I was worried this child of mine might get homesick. As soon as we witnessed this, Ron said to me, "I don't think he ever got homesick." He may have had a blast, but I sure missed him! So after I talked him into giving his poor mom a hug, he showed us around a bit.
Then we went and got our seats and waited for the program to start.
They started the program with a funny skit and lighting the campfire.
Then they sang us some silly songs. Jordan is still singing them and has taught them to his siblings too.

(Now pretend this is where that random picture at the beginning goes. ok?)
There he is doing his skit. What a character!
After the program he gave us a tour of the place. This is the main lodge where they ate and did just about everything in. The boys slept in the loft upstairs and the staff slept in the 3 bedrooms. The girls had their own cabin a ways off from here. I haven't seen it but maybe in a few years from now when Courtney goes, I will.
This is the eating area with all the tables. The girls came over here for all their meals.
There were 30 beds up in the loft. The camp was at capacity so Jordan said he slept up on those top two bunks along with 7 other boys! He said they had to lay the opposite way so they would all fit. Four laid with their heads one direction and the other four with their heads the opposite direction. Man, I would hate that! I am so claustrophobic. But Jordan thought it was awesome!

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