Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pretty as a Princess

Happy Birthday Courtney! Here are some of the reasons why I love Courtney.
1. She is just so stinkin' cute. How can you not love her?
2. I love her voice. It is so little, sweet and innocent. She is always talking from morning to night. The only time she stops is when she is asleep.
3. I love her personality. It amazes me how strong it is at such a young age.
4. I love how she notices and appriciates beauty in little things. She always is pointing things out and saying how cute it is. That is something different than my boys. They never did that.
5. I love that she loves to shop. She seriously loves going to the mall with me. My boys, including my husband, hate going to the mall.
6. I love how dramatic she is. I may not always feel this way, I understand. But for now it is cute because I have never experienced this with my boys. But I try not to let her know that because I don't want to encourage her "Diva" tendencies.
7. I love that she is a girly girl. She loves pink and would wear it head to toe everyday if I let her.
8. I love her little catch phrases she says. She is always coming up with new ones. One of my favorites is, "Okay, you're really freakin' me out now" I have no idea where she got that, but it makes me laugh everytime I hear her say it.
9. I love that she asks me almost on a daily basis who my favorite princess is. We have detailed conversations about why we like certain princesses. And if I say one, she usually tells me I should like a different one instead and then proceeds to list the reasons why.
10. I love how sweet and innocent she is. She is so quick to forgive when anyone does something wrong to her. She just wants an "I'm sorry" and a hug and then she's over it. Wouldn't that be nice? I could definitely take some lessons from her in that area. I sure love my baby and feel so blessed to get to be her Mom. I can hardly remember life without her!


Perfectly Imperfect said...

She is the luckiest little girl ever because she has you as a mom. You are so great! I'm glad she is enjoying her rein as Princess of the Antertons.

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie and surrounded by all those boys to protect her. She may end up protecting them.